1. Nih kira kehidupan pas berkahwen la antara si Bella ngan Edward Cullen tuh...Human married with the vampire..
2. Yang si Jacob pulak macam xleh terima hakikat yg Bella tuh kahwen ngan Edward, tapi dalam pada xleh terima hakikat tuh...dia masih jugak tolong Edward..Tolong apa? P tengok sendiri..
3. Dan yang paling x di sangka2, Bella di sahkan mengandung..Uihhh, kahwen ngan vampre pun buleh pregnant okeh..hehe
4. Tapi...kandungan dia tuh akan buat Bella mati..kenapa macam tuh? P nengok sendiri jugak..
5. The end cita nih, tetiba Bella mati dan jugak tetiba Bella nak idup balik kat ujung cita...pastuh terus abis...Tunggu part 2 la jawab nya..
6. Overall, cita nih biasa2 jer...kurang aksi fighthing2 antara geng vampire ngan geng wolf tuh..yela, kehidupan pas berkahwen kan...
7. Tempat honeymoon Bella ngan Edward tuh romatik banget seh!
8. Nak kata rugi nengok cita nih tuh xla...tapi, biasa2 jer..sebab dah layan dari awal2 dulu...tuh yg maintain nak tengok jugak...
9. Aku bagi 3/5 bintang
10. Siap! Nak cukup kan 10point nih jer..hehe
Set after Bella (Kristen Stewart) chooses Edward Cullen (Robert Pattison) over Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) in "Eclipse", Bella marries Edward where they spend their honeymoon on a private island, called Isle Esme, off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realises that she is pregnant with a half-vampire child and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return home to Forks, Washington. Edward concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the foetus is a monster as it continues to develop with unnatural rapidity, urges her to have an abortion. However, Bella feels a connection with her unborn baby and refuses. When the baby is born, the Quileute wolf pack decides that Bella's child is a danger and threatens to kill the child, forcing Jacob Black to leave the pack and starts his own. [source]
5 orang yang nak merapu jugak!:
dah tengok gak citer ni..mmg best jugak la
akak tak pandai tengok cerita gini... yang akak tahu cerita kartunjer dari muda sampai dah berumurni...
merapu sungguh mat saleh ni
nak tengok... tapi kelate tade panggung... sobsss
x tgok lagi cerita ni... cuma tau bella tu dua2 dia suka..
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